Modern Bathroom Ideas
Modern Bathroom SinksBathrooms are one of the most often remodeled rooms in any house. A new bathroom will immediately increase the value of a home and will also create a functional oasis for you. The modern design aesthetic continues to grow in popularity and nowhere is this more evident that in the number of shows and books devoted to creating the perfect modern bathroom. If you are considering a renovation of your bathroom, consider choosing the monochromatic, architectural style that is a feature of modern bathrooms.
Before you begin a renovation of your bathroom, it is important to keep in mind the number of people who will be using it. Most modern vanities are available in single or double sink styles. Knowing early on which modern vanity you would like to install will help give you a sense of the layout of the room as well as the remaining space for other amenities. In addition to considering the ideal number of sinks that a vanity will accommodate, think about the amount of counter space that will be needed for storing cosmetics, hair products, and other personal effects. Most of the modern vanities that are currently being sold are available in neutral or primary colors that will complement almost any decorating scheme.
One of the classic design features of the modern bathroom is a monochromatic color scheme. Black and white is a popular choice, as are various shades within one color family. Feel free to play with this idea, however, by adding individual pieces that will stand out as accents. Whether you would like this piece to be a small piece of hanging art, or a fixture like the toilet is up to you. If you are adding an accent piece, remember that the bolder your choice the better. Choose a color like red that will really pop against the rest of the room.
When planning your modern bathroom [], be sure to check out the author's modern bathroom guide [].