Understand How to Keep Bathroom Sinks Clean and Sparkling additional

How to Keep Bathroom Sinks Clean and Sparkling

Bathroom Sinks

You know what happens if you don't clean your bathroom sink don't you? Very quickly it becomes less than pleasant to use with layers of general grime, dried on toothpaste splashes and soap build up, not to mention getting littered with all those things you forgot to put away.

The easiest way to keep your bathroom sink clean is to give it a quick swish and swipe with a soft cloth every day after you use it and put away all the products from the side if the sink in their rightful places.

Even if you are the only member of your family who does this quick cleaning routine you will see a real difference - there will be no build up of anything and the sink will stay in pretty good condition most of the time.

Though it does help if you are the last to use the sink in the morning (that way it will look its best for most of the time),  this routine only takes a minute or so - you don't need a lot of time even if you're in a rush in the morning.

If you have let the soap scum and toothpaste build up, here's how to clean your bathroom sink and you may want to do the full thorough cleaning routine now and again to supplement your daily swish and swipe.

1. Get Rid of Clutter

Put away all the bathroom and personal care products which tend to accumlate around the bathroom sink area. If you don't have a place to put these in your bathroom think about buying additional storage because it will make keeping your sink clean much easier.

2. Wear Rubber Gloves

Bathroom cleaning products are not great for your hands so protect them by wearing gloves.

3. Clear the Plug hole

Remove the plug completely (rather than just raising it) and make sure the drainage holes are clear of hair or any other debris. Rinse the plug hole and the plug itself and replace it.

4. Spray the Sink

Spray the sink with general purpose non abrasive bathroom cleaner (make sure you read and obey the instructions) and use a cleaning cloth to clean the sink of any build up. Sometimes you may have to use a fair amount of effort if you have let things get in a state. (Vow to do the daily swish and swipe from now on!)

5. Use an old Toothbrush

Use an old toothbrush to scrub the area around the base of the faucets or taps and remove any build up of scum which tends to gather there.

6. Rinse and Dry

Rinse the whole sink area and dry with a soft cloth or old towel to leave a nice gleaming shining surface.

Jan E Wood loves all things about interior design and making a house a home. She has created a site all about bathroom sinks [http://simplybathroomsinks.com/simply-bathroom-sinks.html] - choosing them, where to buy them to get a good deal on them and the latest trends. If you are looking for inspiration for your next bathroom remodeling project take a look at her site at [http://simplybathroomsinks.com/]